Drupal: Convert Text to transparent png Image with responsive width
This CodeLet create Transparent png image from 'string', with responsive width.
This CodeLet create Transparent png image from 'string', with responsive width.
This CodeLet creates a tiled dispay of taxonomy block with child terms. If you use taxonomy image module, you can select the preset and taxonomy on block configuration page. The CodeLet then fetches all the tree along with their images and display in tile in the block.
This CodLet will dispay a userpoint form on node pages which allow the current user to donate some userpoints to the author of the node. This CodeLet will award the points to admin user by default.
This CodeLet generate a unique invoice number for every order placed with ubercart. The unique invice number is stored in a custom table and a function is provided to fetch the invoice number for respective order number. You can use this function in order template to display the inovice number