Drupal 8: hook_form_alter explained

This Drupal 8 code snippet provided is a hook implementation that alters a specific form in a custom module named myModule.

Here's a breakdown of what the code does:

1. Function Hook: The function `myModule_form_alter()` is designed to modify forms and is part of the Drupal form API. It's invoked for every form on the site, allowing custom alterations based on the form ID.

2. Target Form: The form alteration targets the form with the ID `commerce_billing_schedule_edit_form`.

Drupal 8 : Get title and meta tags from Site URL using Ajax

This CodeLet set title and body field values using Ajax. 
Place this CodeLet to your custom module file(.module) or Create a Custom module for Drupal 8 as per documentation https://www.drupal.org/docs/8/creating-custom-modules.

First of all add a field(field_link) to your content type. after that add an ajax to that field as per CodeLet.
Ajax example to replace multiple fields on ajaxCallback.
You set multiple fields value on ajax trigger in Drupal 8.